Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Cross Culture Understanding Task (reading 1)


Yotsubawannabe kembali dengan segudang tugas yang tak kunjung habis. Semester ini saya punya kelas yang berbeda. Kelas virtual! Jadi nama mata pelajarannya adalah Cross Culture Understanding, karena dosennya berhalangan masuk di jadwal yang telah ditetapkan maka dibuatlah kelas virtual yang membuat kami sekelas gak perlu masuk kelas setiap minggu. hehehehe... Ini pengalaman baru buat saya. berharap ini menjadi kelas yang menyenangkan. Walaupun saya berharap bisa masuk seperti kelas "normal" lainnya mengingat mata kuliah ini seharus'a lebih dalam bentuk sharing dan bertukar ilmu, saya kira pertemuan langsung akan lebih menarik. Tapi apa mau dikata di sinilah saya sekarang.

Bentuk kelasnya adalah layar komputer saya...hehehe... Eh salah. Maksud'a dalam klasnya ada tugas reading (Buku Cultural Intelligence by: Brooks Peterson) tiap minggu'a. Tugas Autobiografi, nonton film, dll. Semua itu harus di ubah dalam bentuk tulisan...(lagi-lagi).

Setelah beberapa minggu, saya berfikir, tugas2 saya ini tidak saya simpan, karena hanya berupa opini dan hasil membaca. Tapi kan saya sudah berlelah-lelah dan berjibaku membuat'a di waktu2 yang amat mendesak n selalu mepet (batas pengumpulan tugas jam 00:00 tiap minggu'a) dan saya pasti ngepost tugas di ujung tanduk jam bundar. hehehe... jadilah akhir'a saya taro di blog ini saja. Alhamdulillah kalo bermanfaat kalo ngak ya minimal ada lah sebagai arsip... banyak kesalahan baik dalam grammar ato lainnya, silahkan berikan masukan n saran. Saya akan BAHAGIA SEKALI. ^_^

Ini adalah tugas reading pertama saya:

For this specific date please accomplish reading Brooks Peterson book from page 15 - 27. From What is Culture up to Stereotypes and Generalization. After reading you have to post something (in a paragraph or two) under this conferencing topic based on your understanding on the reading. Please be free to comment on other students' postings since this will add to your participation grade in the class. 
Remember not to copy from the book or other friends' postings, but rely solely on your own mind. I will read each posting you make carefully to determine the level of your reading activity.
Happy reading.

After reading the book (page 15-27), I'm really impressed by the author about his perspective about culture. Actually, I drew a tree last meeting when you ask us to draw something. But I don't realize that the tree have the same thing like the tip of iceberg. The tip of the tree is inside of the tree there are bird's nests, fruit, and so on that we can't see if we just stay behind the tree. Just climb it and you will find a lot thing that really interesting. Not only find it but also you can touch it and eat the fruit.
That's why we should know the tip (value, attitude, philosophies, etc) of another culture so we can communicate and have a good relationship. 
Another thing that I agree with the author is stereotypes couldn't represent all member of one group of people. Realize or not, stereotypes influence behavior. For example: I have a friend that consistently late more than 20 minute every appointment that we made. So, the stereotypes that pop up in my mind is he/she is not discipline. The stereotype make such as an alarm in my mind that it is useless if I'm on time. As a result, I do the same thing with him/her when I have appointment with him/her. Of course we couldn't judge all of his/her member family or the people that come from the same town have that stereotypes. 


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