Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Cross Culture Understanding Task (reading 3)

Today you are going to know how important culture in our everyday life is. Please read page 63 - 72. I believe that the reading is not so hard for you even though you are practicing the teaching. Tell us your opinion and ideas after you read this part. It will be good if some of you want to share the story when you encounter an awkward situation in meeting new people. Have you ever got together with a person from other culture and you felt that you don't "click" because of cultural style difference?
Happy reading
Culture is really important in our daily work and life. Whatever your job, you need to know cultural differences. In daily life, we often face this problem. It can come from inside differences of country or from another country. We can't generalize people of all country have the same cultural programming. Of course, everybody needs food, but the way they eat it can be different, for example, each culture has their own table manner.
My experience about cultural differences is when I was a volunteer at Al Kahfi (youth center). I had Japanese language class with the native. My teacher, Miss Atsuko, is always on time. When some of us (Acehnese students) came late or didn't come, she would angry and said that why we didn't text her for our lateness or absence. The Japanese will think that we got an accident or another bad thing happen to us. They belief that it's impossible you can't send a SMS, she said that if we didn't have cellphone credit, we could took our friend's, our parent's, or someone else that has. It's big problem for Japanese if we don't text them. By the time, they are accustomed to our lateness without information and said, "Oh yeah, Acehnese."
they did stereotypes, aren't they? Not all Acehnese do that.


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