Sunday, October 31, 2010
Keakutan Ini Tak Ingini Nyata
Hilang tanpa rasa
Kini penyakitku akut
Semua tak serupa lagi adanya
Ingin ku sendiri bertemankan sepi
Wujud ketakbersyukuranku
Tapi apa daya
Kebersamaan ini tetlalu lekat
Senyum pun tak lagi menghiasi
Walau sekedar pura
Dulu cadangan energiku penuh
Pura tak jadi soal
Tapi kini, terkuras oleh waktu
Dan semua bertanya...
Kemana hilangnya si tawa?
Entahlah, kepenatan merenggutnya
Jika ku pergi
Harus dengan kebersamaan lain yang menyambut
Adakah boleh pangeranku bernama sepi
Mungkin tak kan datang dengan kuda putih
Tapi akulah yang menjemputnya
Kalut bersama nyata, Banda Aceh, 31 Oktober 2010
Inilah Obat Kanker Paling Ampuh yang Disembunyikan...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Dalam keramaian
Bercampur rasa
Berakhir begini...
Terbersit kecewa
Nafas terhela
Menanti lima belas menit berlalu
Menyenderkan punggung lelah di tiang rumah-Nya
Ia terus menanti
Sesekali mendongak
Memastikan tak ada yang muncul
Ya... dan memang tak ada.
Sore yang sejuk, Ash Shifa
27 Oktober 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
My Cross Culture Understanding Task (Reading 5)
Please read from p. 87- 99.MY ANSWER:
This time your reading is getting more important. We are arriving at the term "Cultural Intelligence." We'll try the define the term but based on your own reading and also try to get one best intelligence or multiple intelligence theory.
In addition, see the table on page 96, read the item in the table carefully and try to rank yourself.
Cultural intelligence is ability to use skills and qualities appropriately when you interact with someone base on culture side. It is not only something that we had but also it could be ability to learn, understand, and think about everything that faced to us by cultural approach.
I agree with Howard Gardner, psychologist, about 'there is more than one way to be smart'. Everyone has thing that they are expert in. the carpenter maybe will not has the same musical intelligence with the musician and vice versa.
The multiple intelligence categories of Gardner's are really important, but it is impossible to have that various categories at once at one person. We need a process and someone maybe will get a good score in two or three categories. However, we must know and give our best effort to reach at least four things that are mention by Gardner:
- Speak a bit of their language, although just how to introduce your self or say hello, it shows our interest.
- Know how closely to stand (and other nonverbal behavior), to make our partner comfort and avoid unpleasant behavior.
- Know about your own culture style, it is important because how could you know another's and omit your own.
- Know how your cultural style meshes with those of others, it makes your relation closer.
After ranking my self, I think I need improvement at some points, such as comfort with uncertainty, ability to trust when dealing with the unfamiliar, and extroversion, creativity.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Ku Bukan Musuhmu
Hm... Sebut apa untuknya?
Kurasa tidak, ia terlalu terlihat
Tapi terlalu pengecut pada makhluk yang lain
Pecundang mungkin lebih pantas
Makhluk yang lain...
Hm... Sebut apa untukmu?
Ya... Penguasa
Raganya milik Penguasa
Tapi hatinya tidak
Matanya melihat Penguasa
Tapi pandangannya tidak
Ya... Sumber penyakit akut
Hapus... Hilang...
Hanya harap
Dengan itu kan sepenuhnya menjadi milik penguasa
Toh aku tak sedang bersaing
Apalagi tarik ulur tuk si Pecundang
Aku hanya ada
Di sini
Tidak di tempat mu
Bayang ku pun tak sampai
Itu yang membuatmu lari
Toh tak bermakna bagiku
Aku bukan musuhmu
Intip hati dan pikiranmu
Siapa di sana?
Aku, dirimu atau kebutaan akan dirinya?
Hanya dirimu yang tau
Ku tak miliki kuncinya
Kau penguasa, pintu itu milikmu
Buka dan masuki
Smoga kau temui utuh wujudnya.
Di atas kuning, hijau & putih yang nyaman,
(21 Okt 2010, 00:45)
Terbang oleh angin
Atau dibuang kemudian tak terbang
Yang tak bersengaja bebas
Yang bersengaja diam bergeming
Mintakah kau dipungut?
Tanggung jawab
Kuning yang bersentuhan lantai
Serasa enggan bergerak
Angin terus bertiup
Terlintas ilham
Si puntung putih bergulir
Lantai yang sama
Nasib yang sama
Si kuning, si putih
Sang penikmat yang sama
Batangan lain disulut
Ini yang ketiga slama ku di sini
Penikmat lain datang meramaikan
membuat nasib bagi benda-benda sejenis
Sama... melantai
Merelakan angin membawanya
Kasihan negeri ini
Semua penikmat lupa daratan
Adakah mereka tau?
Atau tak mau tau?
Inilah wajah mereka
Wajah negeri ini.
Sore bertemankan kebab, 21 Okt 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
My Cross Culture Understanding Task (reading 1)
Yotsubawannabe kembali dengan segudang tugas yang tak kunjung habis. Semester ini saya punya kelas yang berbeda. Kelas virtual! Jadi nama mata pelajarannya adalah Cross Culture Understanding, karena dosennya berhalangan masuk di jadwal yang telah ditetapkan maka dibuatlah kelas virtual yang membuat kami sekelas gak perlu masuk kelas setiap minggu. hehehehe... Ini pengalaman baru buat saya. berharap ini menjadi kelas yang menyenangkan. Walaupun saya berharap bisa masuk seperti kelas "normal" lainnya mengingat mata kuliah ini seharus'a lebih dalam bentuk sharing dan bertukar ilmu, saya kira pertemuan langsung akan lebih menarik. Tapi apa mau dikata di sinilah saya sekarang.
Bentuk kelasnya adalah layar komputer saya...hehehe... Eh salah. Maksud'a dalam klasnya ada tugas reading (Buku Cultural Intelligence by: Brooks Peterson) tiap minggu'a. Tugas Autobiografi, nonton film, dll. Semua itu harus di ubah dalam bentuk tulisan...(lagi-lagi).
Setelah beberapa minggu, saya berfikir, tugas2 saya ini tidak saya simpan, karena hanya berupa opini dan hasil membaca. Tapi kan saya sudah berlelah-lelah dan berjibaku membuat'a di waktu2 yang amat mendesak n selalu mepet (batas pengumpulan tugas jam 00:00 tiap minggu'a) dan saya pasti ngepost tugas di ujung tanduk jam bundar. hehehe... jadilah akhir'a saya taro di blog ini saja. Alhamdulillah kalo bermanfaat kalo ngak ya minimal ada lah sebagai arsip... banyak kesalahan baik dalam grammar ato lainnya, silahkan berikan masukan n saran. Saya akan BAHAGIA SEKALI. ^_^
Ini adalah tugas reading pertama saya:
For this specific date please accomplish reading Brooks Peterson book from page 15 - 27. From What is Culture up to Stereotypes and Generalization. After reading you have to post something (in a paragraph or two) under this conferencing topic based on your understanding on the reading. Please be free to comment on other students' postings since this will add to your participation grade in the class.
Remember not to copy from the book or other friends' postings, but rely solely on your own mind. I will read each posting you make carefully to determine the level of your reading activity.
Happy reading.MY ANSWER:
After reading the book (page 15-27), I'm really impressed by the author about his perspective about culture. Actually, I drew a tree last meeting when you ask us to draw something. But I don't realize that the tree have the same thing like the tip of iceberg. The tip of the tree is inside of the tree there are bird's nests, fruit, and so on that we can't see if we just stay behind the tree. Just climb it and you will find a lot thing that really interesting. Not only find it but also you can touch it and eat the fruit.
That's why we should know the tip (value, attitude, philosophies, etc) of another culture so we can communicate and have a good relationship.
Another thing that I agree with the author is stereotypes couldn't represent all member of one group of people. Realize or not, stereotypes influence behavior. For example: I have a friend that consistently late more than 20 minute every appointment that we made. So, the stereotypes that pop up in my mind is he/she is not discipline. The stereotype make such as an alarm in my mind that it is useless if I'm on time. As a result, I do the same thing with him/her when I have appointment with him/her. Of course we couldn't judge all of his/her member family or the people that come from the same town have that stereotypes.
My Cross Culture Understanding Task (reading 2)
Dear Class,
Again to continue from last week class, please read page 28 - 63 of Cultural Intelligence book. I want you to post based on your understanding on the following sub topics as a guide:
- Do cultures change over time = what does the book say about that and what do you say?
- Five basic culture scales = what are they, what each scale means, and how do we apply them?
- Every culture ranks somewhere based on the five scales. Tell us where is the position of your own culture?
Your postings are not limited to the above, but I want you to expand freely according to your own opinion and understanding.
I will close the class as usual by mid-night tomorrow. So please do your reading carefully. Also, do no forget to submit your autobiographies to both my e-mail and class schedule of this ICA. I will not accept any assignments turned in after the due date.
Good luck.
InstructorMY ANSWER:
I get some point after reading the book:
1. The book says that the culture change over time but also culture remain the same over time. I like Brooks analogy about that, a maple tree remains a maple tree although the leaves color change everyday and the branch was fall and another branch grow up. That is culture. We know about assimilation and acculturation, and I agree if some culture change but the new influence must filtered and become acculturation not assimilation.
2. Five basic culture scales that tell in that book are:
- Equality vs Hierarchy
This part means some culture that base on equality more flexible, open minded with another person opinion and treat the men and woman in same way. The hierarchy culture prefer to military ways and bossy
- direct vs indirect
The culture that base on direct style more direct in speaking and say what they want, they don't really count another feeling and they avoid the wrong interpretation of what they are saying. The indirect one more polite in show their feeling, they could say yes in the appropriate way in their opinion for something that means not. We must really careful in interpret their words.
- individual vs group
There are some advantages and disadvantages of these two points. Individual need when we are not in group, we are not always in group when we must make some individual decision. Also we are as social being, we could not always alone. We need another people to open our mind. The more they opposite with us, the more they have things than we don't think about. Be in the middle of these two points.
- task vs relationship
The culture that take task style commonly use stereotypes and hard worker and in the serous case they are perfectionist. The relationship style is open minded and has a goog relation and communication with other. They are little bit lazy.
- risk vs caution
a risk style is more creative and innovative. They think what the future would need but they usually inconsistent in the final of their decision. The caution one is more careful and slowly. There are too afraid to take the final decision but sometimes it needed.
3. in my opinion, my culture there are in 8, but I think that will change soon, I saw that my culture will get in 6 or 5 because of acculturation.
My Cross Culture Understanding Task (reading 3)
Today you are going to know how important culture in our everyday life is. Please read page 63 - 72. I believe that the reading is not so hard for you even though you are practicing the teaching. Tell us your opinion and ideas after you read this part. It will be good if some of you want to share the story when you encounter an awkward situation in meeting new people. Have you ever got together with a person from other culture and you felt that you don't "click" because of cultural style difference?MY ANSWER:
Happy reading
Culture is really important in our daily work and life. Whatever your job, you need to know cultural differences. In daily life, we often face this problem. It can come from inside differences of country or from another country. We can't generalize people of all country have the same cultural programming. Of course, everybody needs food, but the way they eat it can be different, for example, each culture has their own table manner.
My experience about cultural differences is when I was a volunteer at Al Kahfi (youth center). I had Japanese language class with the native. My teacher, Miss Atsuko, is always on time. When some of us (Acehnese students) came late or didn't come, she would angry and said that why we didn't text her for our lateness or absence. The Japanese will think that we got an accident or another bad thing happen to us. They belief that it's impossible you can't send a SMS, she said that if we didn't have cellphone credit, we could took our friend's, our parent's, or someone else that has. It's big problem for Japanese if we don't text them. By the time, they are accustomed to our lateness without information and said, "Oh yeah, Acehnese."
they did stereotypes, aren't they? Not all Acehnese do that.
My Cross Culture Understanding Task (reading 4)
See the world and then think.. do you know them? Imagine yourself as a businessperson who travels around the world, will you do fine in Sydney, Hongkong, Singapore without any cross-cultural awareness?
Please read from p. 72 - 85. Then write down your thought here.
InstructorMY ANSWER:
The more I see people, the more I don’t know about them. There are too much things different, in every little things. Just a little but they are really important. If I were an international business person without cross-culture awareness, it would be the same as I throw my self into a crocodile cage. It will be useless spent a lot money to expand my business. Everything will not run well, just wait it will be a bad thing. A business world is all about how you can treat people, your employees, business partner, costumers, and so on. You need more cross-cultural awareness than another one. Things that make world shrinking are technology, media, telecommunication, and so forth. These will help you, but you must know how to make these tools work for your business or life by cross-culture understanding.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tapi katanya lagi, kopi yang mengandung kafein ini juga tidak baik dikonsumsi lebih dari 600 mg perhari (atau setara dengan 6 cangkir kopi) karena menyebabkan ketagihan atau adiksi serta efek lain yang membahayakan tubuh. Jadi bagi saudara-saudara yang merasa benar-benar menderita migrain silahkan mencoba resep ini.
Selain itu ada baiknya anda membaca artikel ini.
Semoga bermanfaat... Salam Yotsuba...^_^
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Apa & Mengapa Yotsuba?
Apa itu yotsuba?
Yotsuba adalah tokoh komik jepang yang amat populer karangan Kiyohiko Azuma. Judul komik ini adalah Yotsubato! (berasal dari bahasa jepang yang artinya: Yotsuba dan !), judul ini akan disambung dengan sub judul cerita dalam komik, ada Yotsuba dan Hujan Deras, Yotsuba dan Televisi, dan lainnya. Yotsuba adalah anak pungut p'Koiwai. Gadis kecil ini amat suka belajar dari kehidupan sekitarnya, menikmati harinya dan tak kenal lelah. Ia akan mencoba segala hal baru yang dianggapnya menarik, dan nyatanya semua menarik baginya. Yotsuba sendiri adalah kata bahasa jepang yang berarti semanggi berdaun empat. Mitos tentang daun ini sangat terkenal di Jepang. Nah, saya adalah fans'a si Yotsuba...^_^
sedangkan kanemochi dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti orang kaya, karena cita2 mulia saya adalah menjadi orang kaya...Amiiiin...>.<
SUKA, SUKA, dan SUKA. itulah alasannya. hehehehe....
Awalnya saya membaca komik ini karena saran dari seorang teman. setelah saya menjadi penggila komik semenjak SD, di masa-masa kelas 3 MAN saya tobat dan berhenti karena UAN yang akan menghadang. Nah, saat kuliah saya mulai tanya2 n hunting komik2 baru yang seru, maka inilah komik yang ditawarkan teman saya.
Dari seumur2 saya baca komik, komik inilah yang terbagus untuk saat ini dan saya rasa untuk masa yang akan datang juga. Karena, selain menghibur, ceritanya juga sangat mendidik, banyak pelajaran dan pesan yang disampaikan melalui komik ini. Jadilah saya yang amat pelit membeli komik, walau kalo nyewa, gak kira2 kluar brapa duit, membeli semua serinya walau baru vol. 9. Proses mencarinya itupun bukan main susahnya, mulai dari nitip ayah yang ke beberapa kota n habis melulu, hingga pesan ke penyewaan komik yang gak kunjung ada. Belum lagi pas nunggu no 9'a kluar...hampir staun...Huff...ini juga diakibatkan penerbitan di Indonesia yang menunggu terbit'a di Jepang. Biasanya kan komik di Indonesia komik2 lama Jepang yang udah tamat, nah ini komik'a juga lagi jalan di vol. yang sama dengan di jepang. Berarti...sabar2 aja nunggu yang ke 10. He...He...He...
Bagi yang belum baca...silahkan baca...ini link'a:
Tapi saya nyaranin beli komik'a...lebih seru cui....^_^
Salam Yotsuba...

Tragedi Kopi.....(õ_ó) *edisi revisi*
Di suatu pagi yang awalnya terasa aneh.
“Dek Reduk!” Panggil mamak.
“Ya Mak,” sahutnya berlari kecil menghampiri mamak.
”Gulanya nggak ada lagi ya?”
”Ah yang betol?”
”Iya, sesendok pun nggak ada. Pergi beli ke pasar Duk ya!”
”Belinya sebentar lagi boleh? Sekalian Reduk ke kampus aja ya Mak, sekarang Reduk siap-siap.” Jawabnya sambil berlari menuju jemuran untuk mengambil handuk.
”Boleh juga lah, tapi jangan lama-lama ya! Ini mau buat kopi untuk ayah.”
”Oke! Bilang sama ayah sabar sebentar, sarapan aja dulu, kopinya belakangan.”
Reduk Fahlia namanya, anak yang periang dan ceroboh yang sudah pada tingkat kronis. Reduk, nama yang aneh, begitu selalu pikirnya. Tak henti-henti ia protes pada orang tuanya akan namanya yang selalu menjadi bahan olokan teman sebayanya dari ia taman kanak-kanak hingga sekarang. Ia mahasiswi di salah satu universitas negeri di Banda Aceh. Ia mengambil jurusan psikologi. Ibunya selalu khawatir, entah bagaimana ia bisa menjadi psikolog nantinya, semoga tidak menyusahkan pasiennya, begitu selalu harapan ibunya.
Sementara Reduk bersiap-siap, di saat yang sama teronggok sekantong plastik berisi kopi yang telah berumur berminggu-minggu dan ditinggal pergi oleh sang pembeli tanpa belas kasih.
Setelah selesai bersiap-siap, ia pamit pada ibu dan bergegas mengeluarkanb yotsubamio, Yotsuba adalah tokoh komik favoritnya, sehingga seluruh benda dinamai yotsuba. Reduk baru dua bulan yang lalu dapat mengendarai sepeda motor dan mengeluarkan yotsubamio dari tempat parkir rumahnya yang berbatu serta penuh gundukan tanah bukanlah hal ya mudah.setelah dorong ke depan, ke belakang, ke kiri, ke kanan, tiba-tiba...
“Thuuuoob ploush...” bungkusan kopi berumur berminggu-minggu terinjak oleh Reduk.
“Tidaaak... apa ini!” Reduk berteriak dengan panik.
Ayah yang tadinya kalem-kalem saja mendengar percakapan ibu dan anak yang aneh itu angkat bicara.
”Kenapa Dek Duk?” Tanya ayah dari kejauhan.
”bau apa ini? Basah, lengket, ihh... siapa yang ninggalin kopi basi di sini? Bau mati!” omelnya tanpa sadar akan pertanyaan ayah.
”Alahai Dek Duk,“ ayah tak tau berkata apa lagi, Reduk sibuk dengan kopinya.
Reduk berlari-lari sambil mengendus dimana saja bersarangnya bom bangkai tersebut. Reduk kembali ke kamar dan mengganti pakaiannya. Sambil bersungut-sungut, ia mengambil air dan mencipratkan pada sisa-sisa bom bangkai yang mengenai yotsubamio.
”Masih bau nggak ya?” Gumam Reduk sambil mengendus si mio.
“Ka bereh!”*
“Mak! Dek Duk pergi dulu ya...”
“Jangan lupa gulanya!’
“Dua kilo kan?”
“Iya, jangan lama-lama! Ayah udah saatnya minum kopi.”
Berangkatlah ia dengan si mio yang agak-agak basah.
Bruuum... Nyiiiit... sampailah ia di pasar.
“Bang, gulanya dua kilo.”
“Nih Dek, yang lain?”
“Itu aja Bang, nih uangnya.”
”Nih kembaliannya.”
Bruuum... Nyiiiiit... sampai di rumah.
”Mak! Ini gulanya.”
”Makasih ya, tapi ayah jadi telat deh minum kopinya.”
”Ya ampun, memang ada jadwalnya Mak? Hahahaha... Pergi ya! Sa... Kom,” ucapan salam yang tak pernah betul dan lengkap terdengar karena diucapakan sambil berlari.
” Dasar anak zaman sekarang!”
”Telat dah,” gumam Reduk sambil menaiki mionya.
Bruuum... Nyiiit... sampai di kampus.
”Pagi Kak! Tenang... acaranya belum mulai.” Si Umi, adek letingnya, menyapa dengan sumringah.
”Yaelah...padahal udah ngebut tadi. Huff!”
”Kenapa kok capek kali keliatannya?”
”Bla...bla...bla...” Berulanglah tragedi kopi dalam kata.
”Hahaha...” Tawa Umi membahana ke seluruh penjuru ruangan yang tak seberapa luas dan sepi itu.
Reduk pun ikut tertawa, namun tiba-tiba terlintas dalam pikirannya kenapa semua hal di pagi ini berhubungan dengan kopi.
”Dasar! Kenapa dengan kopi pagi ini.” Ia berkata sewot.
Umi tertawa makin kencang melihat Reduk yang tak henti-hentinya mengomel sambil memonyongkan mulutnya.
* sudah beres/ ok dalam bahasa aceh.
Banyak revisi yang terjadi, karena kok setelah direvisi jadi gimana gitu...jadilah pemeran utamanya saya ganti namanya. walau saya adalah fans no 1 nama sendiri, namun kali ini kegilaan itu harus di hide kan.
Selamat anda telah membaca tulisan ini!!.
Arigatou.. Visit Again Yaa... ~