Sunday, February 13, 2011

Say Something About The CCU Class (feedback)

Dear Class,
This will be our last online learning program. Please provide your feedback about our class in this section. You may suggest about how to improve learning CCU in the future, our online feature etc. Please feel free since this section will not be graded. I want to read your feedback by next Wednesday.
My Feedback:
Truly, this is my first virtual class. first, i think it will interesting, yes, but just until the 3rd posting. then one thing that make me keep staying at this class is the book (Brooks'), that is the great book. 
first, i think you will guide us by the virtual ways, i mean, i think you will respond our post, tell our fault, and so on. yes, it was, but just in the first reading posting. then until the rest class i didn't know where you were. you just comment one statement about the class is over or another one. i agree with my friends.
but, this class give me a lot things about cultural intelligence, and i think that it will be more if the class has the meetings.

Thank You so much and sorry sir...^_^

My Cross Culture Understanding Task (Reading 12)

Starting from today, I want you to come to a brief conclusion from what you have read or learned throughout the semester. Your time to write is until next Tuesday, Dec 28, 2010. Thanks.
Of course, there are much conclusions of this class activity, also from reading the book. I found a lot of new intelligence knowledge of how to interact with another people that have different culture. I know that I did stereotypes of some people and after reading the book I realize it maybe a wrong stereotypes. Then, the five basic scales make me able to range my self and sure another scale also helps. The important of culture intelligence in daily life make me aware about "what do I know about another's".
From Brooks I know a lot things that have to do and don't in applying cultural intelligence. Every people also have a communication style that we have to know and understand how to translate and face it. One thing that makes me happy is I can increase my cultural intelligence with some tips, trick, and also effort that mentioned by Brooks to be better than now.
In my opinion, cultural intelligence is not enough with scale and reading (knowledge) but it is also about how capable you are in using that intelligence in daily life. 

My Cross Culture Understanding Task (Reading 11)

Based on your last reading (I know each of you had read different pages), I want each of you to come up with at least 5 important points that you can derive from the text in PART 6. The most important points according to yourself. 
The last day to post is by next Tuesday Dec 21, 2010.
After reading part 6 of this book, I found a lot of important points, five of them all are:

1.   cultural intelligence involve three components: knowledge, awareness, skills.
2.   be mindful and respectful of my international partner's title, their formality rule, and protocols is important. Choose a formal one is better than an informal.
3.   focus more on what is said than how it is said. In some cases it is really important.
4.   keep it simple, speak slowly and clear, and take it easy to avoid miscommunication from Brooks is important to do I think.
5.   learn the six basics (yes, no, please, thank you, hello, and good bye) from another language is important.

there are much more another important things, but I think the 5 above is the most.


Nah...di sela-sela tugas yang membosankan...nulis-baca...baca-nulis.
Akhir'a tibalah tugas yang agak seru dikit. Hehehe...
Tugas dari kelas Cross Culture Understanding kali ini adalah meriview film yang ada hubungannya dengan budaya.

Here My Answer:

Film: Unstoppable Marriage

a. Information about the film
Unstoppable Marriage is a 2007 South Korean romantic comedy film. It stars veteran actors Kim Su-mi as Mal-nyon and Im Chae-mu as Ji-man alongside pop star and television actress Eugene Eun-ho and Ha Seok-jin as Hwang Ki-baek. This film tells about sweet and easygoing Eun Ho who grew up in a normal middle-class household with a strict and traditional father. Willful plastic surgeon Ki Baek was born into a wealthy family, and has the ego to match his income. Their two worlds collide quite literally when they meet through a paragliding accident. It's a classic case of opposites attract as they fight, falter, and fall in love, but their incompatible families are determined to break them apart.

b. Summary of cultural differences
The film shows how assimilation happens. There are some examples that pop up in this story. How a traditional toilet (squat toilet) changes to the modern toilet (flush toilet) and how Korean thinks that is strange if you must sit while you are defecating and how come the water flushes from inside of toilet. In Korea if you are not satisfied with part of your body, it can easily change by plastic surgery, almost everyone do this so you do not need to be ashamed and moreover their mother ask them and give the money.
The Korean still believes forecaster topology. They use chopsticks to eat, sometimes (for special food) they use fingers and spoon like us. In the movie, they show how the man family invites the woman family and the man family accustomed to using fork and knife and the traditional family use their hand. The traditional way use a short table and sit on the cushion on the floor. The movie also introduces traditional Korean doll that is made of mulberry paper and recycle paper. Right now, the Korean themselves do not respect to the craftsman like the first Korean. Their life tends to the western and fell positively to the western culture.

c. What can I learn from the film
From the film, I realize although we are in modern life, we should appreciate and know our culture. The western is not always better than the eastern culture and vice versa. In this film, I know how important to know another culture for daily life, appreciate each other help us life harmoniously. The film reminds me that "don't forget our own culture and don't underestimate another's" we must know the philosophy of the culture itself. It makes us the value of the culture.

d. Conclusion
Cultural intelligence is important, not only the intelligence of another but also of our culture. If you appreciate your own, people will appreciate yours, also appreciate another's make people appreciate yours.

My Cross Culture Understanding Task (Reading 10=Reading Day)

Dear Fellas,
I would like to say "Happy Islamic New Year 1432 AH" 
Today is your free reading day. I want you to read part 6, no specific page, as much as you want. No postings about the reading content are required. However, on Dec 14, 2010 next Tuesday I want you to say in this conf. room that you have read something from part 6, for instance 'Sir I have read part 6 page 180 to 220, or page 177 to 190. Please enjoy your time for this week and start preparing your portfolios. 
Sir, I have read from page 177 to 202.
note: Saya bahagia sekali pada hari tugas ini di post....akhirnyaaaa libur nulis....>.<

My Cross Culture Understanding Task (Reading 9)

Dear Folks,
After reading the cultural intelligence book all this time, I believe you start to have something in your mind about cross-culture. Therefore, this time you are going to read completely PART 5 from page 153 to page 176. It is quite much reading, but this time I will let you finish the reading until Monday December 6, 2010. Just tell me the most interesting thing you have read in this part according to your own opinion. I will be very glad if the reading will open your eyes in seeing the world and more importantly if this reading will give you the idea of your future thesis. 
Happy reading
I am interested in "learning about others' culture styles" chapter. Brooks tell how we ask someone and how to explore our knowledge about others'. I realize that we can't generalize all people. I agree with Brooks about ask our conversation partner where is exactly their country or city, don't try to play we are smart. I also not really sure, my partner will know where is Indonesia.
I am interested to know about others' culture much. After reading this part I know that it isn't just a culture but also people have a communication style. We can't make stereotypes of someone because their communication style, although a lot people from the same country has almost same communication style, but it depend on their personality and idealism. 

My Cross Culture Understanding Task (Reading 8)

Dear Class,
Welcome back to the class after celebrating your Eid. I hope everything will be fine for the next half of class. We are going to meet physically on the last day of class where you will submit the portfolio with all your assignment and you will sign the final examination sheet. I will tell you the date of our meeting later. 
O.K. for today's class we are going to pay attention on the issues of people and communication. Here you will also read some issues in the Muslim world as well as issues in the international world. 
Read from page 131 - 151. 
Then, try to rank yourself. What is your own reasoning style? How do you prefer to think and reason? give example. 
How can you change your own style to prevent any miss-communication?
Which of the three communication styles (taking turn, interrupting, halting)is closest to your own? also give example from your daily communication. 
Happy reading.

After reading the book and rank myself, here the result:

1.   people and communication issue
- freedom vs identity
I think I'm in 2 of this scale. I think freedom doesn't mean what you want to be is opposite with the rule (eq. religion). It is about how you walk on that rule, forced ao feel free. I know what and why I do that things (wearing hijab, shalat, working outside, and so forth). The sky is the limit of freedom and the rule (religion or culture) can be the way to walk on the sky, it is just how we walk on.

- pace of life
I'm at 3. I think I need more than 24 hour per day. So, how can I keep moving slowly? But I know when I need a refreshing time and I do it regularly.

- courtesy, protocol, formality
I'm little bit strict with these, I'm at 8. But sometimes, there are protocol and formality that I broke, just for fun and feel more exited. Hahaha.

2. Reasoning style
Maybe, I'm the one with 'start with the conclusion. When I found something, I will make a hypothesis of that topic and I will search as much as information about that. Than, I conclude it. But sometimes, my hypothesis is wrong, so I change it because after looking up the information data, I know the right one.

3. cognitive style and communication.
I'm the straigt to the point person. Example: whwn I was at examination test, my friend asked the exam test answer and I say no. then I tell to her/him, if you want to study together before exam test, feel free come to me but in the exam test I wouldn't help you.

4. communication style
- rational or emotional
I'm at 5. I do hide my emotions many times, but when I think the one that make me angry must know that I am angry, I will show it directly and I will tell him/her the reason why I was angry.

- physical space
I'm at 9. I'm a Moslem and I think hospitality and friendliness is not just about the distance, there are a lot things that could show our feeling.

- comfort with silence
I'm a talk active one. I'm at 7.

- flow of conversation
I'm at 3 maybe. My mind will interrupt something fast, but I hold it to word. I wait until the end of another speaking turn because of politeness. Sometimes I forget what I want to interrupt after all finish, so I try to point it by writing. for example: i will wait until my friend end his presentation or answer the question in discussion then i will tell my opinion.
to preventany miss-communication, i will make my sentences and my voice clear, also i will confirm to my speaking partners that is them understood or not. 

note: see...ternyata tak sia-sia...akhirnya disuruh buat fortopolio.

Dorayaki Jadi-Jadian

Nah.....kembali lagi dengan saya.
Kali ini saya mau bagi-bagi resep dorayaki. Sebenarnya resep ini saya dapat dari web'a NHK. Terus di saat kami ngumpul-ngumpul rutin sama anak les bahasa jepang, kami berinisiatif membuat dorayaki dan jadilah dorayaki jadi-jadian...hehehe

Kenapa jadi-jadian? karena bentuknya ada yang love, bintang, clover dan bulat kayak aslinya. Selain itu isi dari kue dorayakinya kami ganti jadi selai kacang, coklat, keju, blueberry, strawberry dan jagung. Hampir kayak isi martabak bangka...kwkwkwkw.

Rasa dorayakinya enak, dan yang paling menggugah selera adalah wanginya yang luar biasa, bikin langsung pengen coba cicip. *kalo saya sih bukan nyicip lagi....2 potong...hahahaha

Seperti biasa saya cuma juru oles margarin, nyupir, dan pekerjaan ringan lainnya. Yang pasti saya tukang nonton plus sangak-sangak sama para chef yang buat dorayakinya...tak ketinggalan saya tukang makan. Pernah saya sekali nyoba nuangin adonan, niatnya sih mau cetak n buat dorayaki, dan tadaaa...tumpah kemana-mana malah jatuh ke api kompor. Sebelum itu dapur orang saya jadiin kapal pecah mending saya serahkan pada ahlinya. Hehehe...

Nah bagi yang pingin coba buat silahkan mengikuti anjuran resep berikut ini...Semoga berhasil...^_^


Isi dorayaki yang asli (azuki=kacang merah)


  • 125 gram kacang merah (azuki). Kacang jenis lain juga bisa dipakai kalau tidak ada kacang merah.
  • 125 gram gula (sesuai selera, silahkan ditambah atau dikurangi)
  • 1/2 sendok teh (2,5 gram) garam
Cara membuat:
  • Cuci kacang merah, masukkan dalam panci lalu tuang air secukupnya hingga kacang merah tadi terendam. Masak dengan api sedang hingga mendidih, lalu tiriskan. Ini dilakukan agar buih dari rebusan tadi ikut terbuang.
  • Masukkan kembali kacang merah tadi ke panci, tambahkan 5 cangkir air dan masak dengan api sedang.
  • Setelah mendidih, kecilkan api. Tutupi panci dengan pelapis atau aluminium foil untuk menampung uap yang menetes lalu pasang tutup panci. Masak dengan api yang sangat kecil sampai sekitar 90 atau 120 menit, hingga kacang merah itu menjadi lembut. Sesekali pastikan kacang merah itu selalu terendam air. Jika tidak tambahkan air.
  • Saat kacang merah tadi sudah lembut lalu kurangi airnya (tinggi air yang tersisa harus sekitar 5 milimeter di atas kacang). 
  • Masukkan gula dan garam ke dalam panci dan masak hingga menjadi adonan. Pastikan kacang yang direbus itu tidak hangus. 
  • Jika ingin kacang dihaluskan setelah masak juga boleh, sesuai selera.

    Roti Dorayaki


    • 60 gram tepung biasa
    • 1 sendok teh (3 gram) baking powder
    • Sejumput garam
    • 1 buah telur
    • 2 sendok makan gula (18 gram)
    • 1 sendok makan madu
    • 1 sendok makan (15 ml) air panas
    • Sedikit minyak goreng
    Cara membuat:
        • Campurkan tepung, baking powder dan garam lalu diayak. Campurkan air panas dengan madu, aduk hingga rata dan diamkan sampai dingin.
        • Masukkan telur dalam mangkuk, tambahkan gula lalu masukkan mangkuk dalam air panas. Kocok telur secara merata selama 3 hingga 4 menit sampai warnanya memutih.
        • Hasil kocokan di tahap 3 kemudian ditambahi madu yang dibuat di tahap 2, disusul dengan campuran tepung yang juga disiapkan di tahap 2. Ini untuk membuat adonan kue dadar. Panaskan wajan, berikan lapisan tipis minyak, lalu masukkan 1 sendok makan adonan untuk membuat dadar dengan diameter sekitar 6 hingga 7 sentimeter. Balik dadar agar kedua sisi matang. Dadar ini mudah hangus sehingga pastikan wajan tidak terlalu panas.
        • Dinginkan dadar, tumpukkan satu pasang dadar dan berikan adonan kacang merah disela-selanya. Dapat pula diisi dengan isian lain, sesuai selera.

          Resep di atas untuk 2 porsi

          Nah begitulah resepnya, kami membuat 10 resep, sehingga jadinya 20 porsi. Gambar yang diatas adalah bentuk yang sebenarnya. Hehehe...Setelah kami membuatnya jadinya seperti berikut:

          Ini dia hasilnya...^_^

          Bermacam-macam bentuk dan isian dorayaki

          Keju-coklat, Kacang-coklat

          Berlimpah karamel saja. Saya suka sekali yang ini..^_^


           Coklat plus topping caramel

          Kami menikmatinya dengan lemon tea dingin...^_^

          Selamat menikmati...^_^

          Buat dibawa pulang....^_^

          Begitulah hasilnya semoga kalian bisa bikin yang lebih bagus n enak...Selamat mencobaaa...^_^

          Friday, February 11, 2011

          Love At The First Taste with KUE LUMPUR

          Hahahah....aneh ya judulnya. Yah begitulah kira-kira. Saya jatuh cinta pada cicipan pertama kue lumpur.
          Nah, jadi ceritanya saya sedang mempersiapkan suatu event menanam 5000 pohon di Aceh dengan Al Kahfi Foundation. Terus pada hari H seremonialnya, kita nanam bakau di daerah tambak di Ulee Lhee. Terus adalah si risol dan si kue berwarna hijau sebagai cemilan yang disiapkan panitia. Pada cicipan pertama, yang mendapat kehormatan adalah risol karena saya suka risol. Terus, pada ronde selanjutnya, saat mencicipi si kue hujau dan TERNYATA... saya jatuh cinta. Alhamdulillah saya dipertemukan dengan kue yang enak ini. Serta merta saya datangi kakak yang menjadi panitia konsumsi, interogasi perkara si kue hijau yang menjadi tersangka utama. Hehehe...

          Dari hasil wawancara diketahuilah tersangka bernama Kue Lumpur. Serasa serasi sekali dengan hari itu yang kami rama-ramai bergotong-royong main salah nanam bakau.

          Ini nih momen pertemuan saya dan kue lumpur. Event yang keren!...Go Green!

          Oke kapan-kapan kita cerita nanam bakaunya. Let's back to kue lumpur. Dari hasil wawancara, saya mendapatkan sumber pemesanan kue ini dan ternyata maminya k'Mutia yang bikin (personil menggila les Bahasa jepang). Tapi sayangnya umur tersangka tak terdeteksi. Pokoknya pas saya kenal kue ini telah enak banget rasanya. Hehehe...
          Karena sangat dekat dengan k'Mutia saya dikasi resep kue'a. Tentunya k'mutia tak usah risau karena setelah hari itu saya jadi pelanggan tetap nan setia kue lumpurnya mami k'mutia. Berhubung saya tidak bisa memasak jadi, resep hanyalah bukti cinta saya pada kue lumpur. Saya harus punya walau tidak pernah saya buat. Hahaha...

          Demi kemaslahatan ummat... Nah lho? Maksudnya, demi menularkan kecintaan ini, mari kita simak penuturan resep yang dituliskan K'mutia untuk saya:

          Kue Lumpur

          200 gr Tepung terigu
          200 gr Gula pasir
          250 gr Kentang rebus yang dihaluskan
          100 gr Mentega
          1 gelas Duralex panjang santan kental
          3 butir Telur
          50 gr Kismis

          Cara membuatnya:
          1. Kocok telur dan gula sampai setengah mengembang.
          2. Masukkan kentang yang telah dihaluskan sedikit demi sedikit bergantian dengan terigu dan aduk rata.
          3. Tambahkan santan dan terakhir tambahkan mentega yang sebelumnya dicairkan terlebih dahulu dan aduk rata. (tambahkan air daun pandan hijau dalam santan jika ingin kue berwarna hijau, pastikan jumlah campuran santan dan air daun pandan totalnya tetap 1 gelas duralex panjang).
          4. Panggang dalam cetakan atau loyang yang telah diolesi tipis mentega atau minyak, tutup bagian atas loyang untuk mendapatkan kemantangan yang merata.
          5. Taburi kismis di atasnya sebagai hiasan.
          6. Setelah matang, angkat dan siap dinikmati.....^_^

          Note: Gelas duralex panjang itu adalah gelas yang sering digunakan sebagai pengganti gelas ukur warnanya coklat kemerahan. Saya juga bingung berapa tuh ukuran ml nya tapi yah ntar kalo kapan-kapan saya bikin kuenya saya ukur deh...*tapi ntah kapan. Hehehe.

          Sunday, February 6, 2011


          bahkan tangan ini tak mampu mengangkat beban
          padahal ringan saja adanya
          mata mulai memburam
          si petak hitam berlensa absen menemani

          pelan menikmati senja
          sayup-sayup terdengar suara riuh anak-anak
          telinga tak lagi awas
          terdengar Al fatihah dibaca serempak
          kompak bersemangat
          ayat demi ayat berirama mengalun khas kanak-kanak
          amiiin...terdengar keras, diiringi tawa
          surah-surah pendek juz 30 menyusul
          kali ini maju mundur
          khas kereta api, sahut menyahut

          Ah...malunya diri
          umur tak lagi muda
          21 tahun hampir sempurna terlewati
          anak-anak itu menang
          juz 30 tak semua mendiami memori
          sebagian tercatat rapi dalam lembaran kitab suci

          Setelah ini, buruk itu pun harus pergi
          baik harus kujemput tuk menemani hingga hayat kembali pada-Nya.

          10 hari menjelang 21...
          Sore yang damai di kapal pecah baru.

          Arigatou.. Visit Again Yaa... ~